Covid – Free Responsive Bootstrap 4 HTML5 Charity Website Templates

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Covid – Free Responsive Bootstrap 4 HTML5 Charity Website Templates

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Covid: Extending a Helping Hand through Charity

Covid is a free Bootstrap template designed for charity websites, a perfect platform to promote safety and generosity during the pandemic. It allows you to effortlessly start your charity website and connect with people for this noble cause. The template is 100% responsive, well-crafted, and minimalistic in design, ensuring compatibility across all browsers, retina screens, and devices.

Key Features:

  • Bootstrap 4: Utilizes the power of Bootstrap 4 for a robust foundation.
  • HTML5 & CSS3: Built with modern technologies to ensure a seamless user experience.
  • Cross-browser Compatibility: Functions perfectly on all major browsers.
  • Clean & Minimal Design: Focuses on simplicity and elegance in design.
  • Multi-page Template: Provides a structured layout for multiple pages.
  • Fully Responsive: Adapts flawlessly to various screen sizes.


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