Doclik - Medical & Clinic Directory WordPress Theme + RTL

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Doclik - Medical & Clinic Directory WordPress Theme + RTL

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Introducing Doclik, the exceptional WordPress theme designed for medical facilities, hospitals, doctors, and healthcare listings. With the added feature of front-end listing submission, this theme offers seamless management of your medical-related content.

We've integrated the popular Elementor page builder plugin, allowing you greater control over your layout and content. Alongside, our included Elementor Addons and pre-built layouts ensure efficiency, convenience, and ease in your work. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we invite you to explore more details below.

Features Overview

  • Drag and drop page builder – Elementor:
    Experience the efficiency of our fast, intuitive, and smart page builder, making customization a breeze. Your layout will be ready for publication in a matter of minutes.
  • Demo content included:
    Doclik comes fully equipped and ready to use out of the box. Easily install it via FTP or WordPress, activate it, and load demo content. Afterward, seamlessly add your own content to the pre-designed pages.
  • One-click installation:
    Effortlessly set up Doclik using our powerful one-click installer. Get your website up and running quickly, easily, and with remarkable speed.
  • Responsive & retina ready:
    Recognizing the significance of mobile device compatibility, we've ensured that Doclik looks outstanding across mobile, desktop, and retina screens.
  • WPML & Translation Ready:
    Doclik seamlessly integrates with popular WordPress plugins that support the creation of multilingual layouts. Translate your website into any language using WPML.
  • Advanced typography options:
    Choose from Google's extensive web fonts library through our powerful theme options panel, allowing you to define a distinctive style for your brand.
  • Compatible with Contact form 7:
    Doclik smoothly interfaces with the most potent and popular custom contact forms WordPress widget, enabling you to create your own forms in seconds.
  • Child theme compatible:
    Harness the ability of Doclik to override default template files using a child theme. It also ensures a secure method for updating your theme.
  • Powerful framework:
    Built on a well-established, popular, and robust vafpress theme options framework, Doclik is your foundation for a feature-rich website.
  • Detailed documentation:
    Extensive documentation, coupled with instructive video guides, empowers you to set up and customize Doclik with remarkable ease and speed.
  • Crossbrowser compatibility:
    Doclik's exceptional design translates seamlessly across all major browsers, including IE9+.

Full Features List

  • 100% Fluid Responsive – Fits any device perfectly
  • Well Documented & More….


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