Dots - Creative Business Agency Theme

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Dots - Creative Business Agency Theme

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Discover DOTS – Creative Business Agency WordPress Theme, perfect for startups, co-working spaces, cloud hosting, applications, event consulting, business & personal portfolio services, corporate enterprises, social media marketing, and digital agency sites. This multi-purpose business WordPress theme caters to business consulting services, marketing consulting, advertising consulting, tax & financial advisors, insurance brokers, investment consultants, accountant services, software, technology, and HR consulting websites.


Explore the benefits of the WEDESIGNTECH SHOP PLUGIN, a simple WordPress Plugin designed to implement core features of Designthemes. Version 1.0 of this Plugin is integrated into Designthemes' themes. It offers a repertoire of shortcodes and custom post types that are compatible with Elementor and other third-party APIs. This Plugin simplifies designing layouts and pages, enhancing the website creation process.

Simplify content setup with the UNYSON Importer. By using this plugin, you can easily import demo content with a single click. Your site will replicate the theme demo page, saving you valuable time.

Enhance user engagement with CONTACT FORM 7, a popular WordPress plugin for creating contact forms. The Advenx theme seamlessly integrates with this plugin, allowing you to create and customize contact forms effortlessly. You can modify the default form template or design your own forms using the form editor panel.

Unlock the potential of e-commerce with WooCommerce, a customizable platform for creating online product-selling websites. The Advenx theme is fully compatible with WooCommerce, enabling you to sell food products directly from your website. Online orders have become a powerful sales method, and WooCommerce empowers you to offer products in multiple currencies.


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