FoodMagi - Paywall & Bookmark Cooking Recipes WordPress Theme

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FoodMagi - Paywall & Bookmark Cooking Recipes WordPress Theme

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FoodMagi – Bookmark Cooking Recipes WordPress Theme

Introducing "FoodMagi" – a captivating WordPress theme tailored for food enthusiasts and recipe aficionados. With its engaging features and interactive community-focused design, FoodMagi elevates your culinary journey. It provides an immersive platform for users to explore, share, and connect.

With its visually stunning design, seamless functionality, and vibrant community engagement features, FoodMagi is the ultimate WordPress theme for food enthusiasts, recipe aficionados, and aspiring culinary experts. Delve into a world of flavors, connect with like-minded individuals, and unlock your culinary creativity with FoodMagi – where every recipe narrates a tale.

Boost User Engagement:

  1. Create profile pages for increased traffic.
  2. Exclusive commenting and bookmarking for registered users.
  3. Enhance profile exposure through commenting.
  4. Bookmark favorite recipes for quick revisit.

Demo Access and Help File

  • ThemeForest Elite Author.
  • One-click demo installation.
  • Paywall & Paid Content Subscriptions System.
  • Restrict Content plugin.
  • Restrict Content Pro plugin.
  • Ajax Login / Registration.
  • Custom Widgets Modules via Customize / live change.
  • Tags / Categories / Members index page.
  • User profile with avatar and social media links.
  • Comments with media including photos, videos, etc.
  • Stylish recipes using the "WP Recipe Maker" plugin.
  • Bookmarks/favorites for logged-in users.
  • Sticky Sidebar.
  • WooCommerce Shop.
  • Infinite Scroll or Default Pagination.
  • Pending / Top Commented / Top Viewed / Random posts.

FoodMagi Features and Details

FoodMagi seamlessly caters to both authors and users. Authors can effortlessly showcase their culinary creations by adding delectable recipes alongside captivating images and videos. This ensures each recipe comes to life on the screen, inspiring visitors to explore the world of flavors.

For users, FoodMagi offers an opportunity to be part of the food-loving community. By creating an account, users unlock personalized features. They can craft a profile page with an avatar, bio, and links to their website and social media. This helps them display their culinary expertise, establish their online presence, and attract more visitors to their platforms.

With FoodMagi, user engagement thrives. Each comment left on recipes becomes a link to their profile, encouraging interactions, discussions, and driving traffic to their websites and social media. FoodMagi empowers users to become active participants, transforming their food passion into a vibrant online identity.

Additionally, FoodMagi introduces bookmarking, allowing users to save favorite recipes. Creating a personalized collection entices them to revisit the site, discover new recipes, and broaden their culinary horizons.

Homepage Custom Widget Modules

FoodMagi introduces custom widget modules for the homepage, enhancing flexibility and convenience for website customization.

6 Homepage Custom Widget Modules

  • Module #1 – Top Categories.
  • Module #2 – Posts by Categories.
  • Module #3 – Recent Posts.
  • Module #4 – Most Viewed Posts.
  • Module #5 – Responsive Leaderboard AD.
  • Module #6 – About You and Website.

Access these modules via "Appearance > Widgets" or "Customize > Widgets." Edit and manipulate modules in real-time through drag and drop for a dynamic editing experience.

More Options

  1. Unlimited colors: Customize main colors with ease to make your website truly unique.
  2. User Profile: Craft profile pages with avatar, bio, and links.
  3. Comments with media: Share thoughts with images, videos, and more.
  4. User Account: Bookmark favorite recipes for quick access.

Blazing Speed: Turbocharge Your Website!

FoodMagi theme achieves unmatched speed with "WP Super Cache" plugin. Further enhance with Lazy Load plugin and Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Experience an astonishing GTmetrix Grade of A, 99% Performance score, and Fully Website Loaded Time of 1.5


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