Gymuso - Sport Apparel BigCommerce Stencil Theme

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Gymuso - Sport Apparel BigCommerce Stencil Theme

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Bold and dynamic, the Gymuso - Sport Apparel BigCommerce Theme (Stencil Ready) captures the essence of sport and translates it into its design. A well-designed theme is pivotal for any successful website, capturing visitors' attention, retaining their interest, and driving conversions. Gymuso achieves this with its striking theme layout featuring large banner blocks alongside powerful product displays equipped with Quick Shop (Call to Action) functionality.

This theme goes beyond just aesthetics. It ensures an optimal user experience across various devices such as Mac, Windows, iPad, iPhone, Tablets, Android, and Windows Phone. Its responsiveness is achieved through the use of CSS3, HTML5, Bootstrap 4, and Google Web Fonts.

The Gymuso theme spotlight reveals its various features, catering to a range of needs. Whether it's the Homepage, Category, Product Page, or other web pages, all aspects of design and functionality have been carefully considered to provide a seamless shopping experience across devices.

Installing Gymuso is straightforward:

  1. Download the package from in zip format.
  2. Extract the downloaded file.
  3. Unzip the files: and Documentation folders.
  4. Upload:

The theme's features include:

  • Supported Style Editor: Customize your theme's style with ease.
  • Popup Newsletter: Allow visitors to easily sign up for newsletters and highlight social media icons or other important content.
  • Side Shopping Cart: Enhance the shopping experience with a cart that appears on click, enabling quick access to cart contents from any page.
  • Ajax Popup Login & Registration: Enable users to log in, register, and logout through an AJAX sidebar, enhancing user navigation.
  • Advanced Mega Menu: Create feature-rich mega menus with images, videos, text, and more.
  • Sticky Add to Cart (Product Page): Improve conversion rates with a persistent Add to Cart bar on product detail pages.
  • Product Labels: Easily create labels or icons for products to highlight sales, new arrivals, and more.
  • Custom Form – Ask An Expert: Collect customer information and offer price lists or services through a customizable form.
  • Recent Sales Popup Notifications: Motivate customers with popup notifications showcasing recent sales activity.
  • Product Image Swap: Allow customers to view multiple product images directly from thumbnails for a richer browsing experience.
  • Grid / List Toggle: Let customers choose between grid and list views for products.
  • Before You Leave Module: Engage users with a popup offering promotions or incentives as they're about to leave your site.
  • Image Gallery with Video + Zoom Effect in Product Details Page: Showcase images and videos with engaging effects for product detail pages.
  • Custom About Us Page and Custom Contact Us Page: Tailor your About Us and Contact Us pages to your needs.
  • Image Gallery: Utilize this image gallery block for an Instagram feed or other image display needs.
  • Custom Brands Page: Create a custom brands page organized alphabetically for easy navigation.
  • Instruction Video Included: Watch the included video to guide you through theme installation.
  • Include Google’s Rich Product Snippets for Better SEO: Enhance SEO and include Google AMP for improved search engine visibility.
  • Compressed Javascript Library: Optimize loading times with compressed JavaScript files.
  • Full Theme Features: A comprehensive set of features including multiple layouts, headers, footers, variant options, quick shop functionality, and more.


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