Landshop - Product Landing Website Template

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Landshop - Product Landing Website Template

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Landshop is a sophisticated and meticulously crafted product landing website template, ideal for effectively presenting and promoting your digital products, software, or any other offerings. Its sleek and contemporary features distinguish it from the competition.

With Landshop, you gain access to a fully responsive and retina-ready design, ensuring your website looks exceptional across all devices, ranging from desktop computers to smartphones. The template encompasses an array of captivating attributes, including Swiper Slider, Layer Animation, and Lity Lightbox, providing you with the creative freedom to curate an engaging and interactive user experience for your website visitors.

Built on the latest Bootstrap framework, Landshop streamlines customization and expansion to cater to your distinct requirements. It also offers an extensive selection of Google Fonts and a variety of color options, enabling you to tailor your website's aesthetics precisely to your preferences.

The template comes equipped with a fully functional Contact Form, streamlining the process of receiving messages and feedback directly in your email inbox. Setting up the form is swift and straightforward, and you can personalize it to align with your specific needs.

One of Landshop's standout features is its meticulously documented code, facilitating developers' understanding and customization of the template. Additionally, Landshop is accompanied by comprehensive documentation, offering step-by-step guidance on installation and utilization. This ensures that even individuals without a background in development can effortlessly craft an impressive website.

notable features make Landshop a comprehensive and potent product landing website template, empowering you to establish a polished and captivating online presence for your product. Whether you're launching new software or promoting an existing product, Landshop provides everything you require.


  • Responsive design for all screen sizes
  • Swiper slider with touch support
  • Animated layers for a modern look and feel
  • Bootstrap latest version for easy customization
  • Clean and modern design suitable for multiple purposes
  • Cross-browser compatibility for seamless performance
  • Multiple homepage variations for flexibility
  • Lity lightbox for displaying images and videos
  • Retina-ready graphics for high-quality visuals
  • Smooth page scrolling with anchor links
  • Working contact form for easy communication
  • Google Maps integration for location display
  • Font Awesome icons for easy icon customization
  • W3C validated HTML and CSS code for improved SEO
  • Well-documented code for easy customization and maintenance
  • SEO optimized for better search engine ranking
  • Optimized for fast loading speed
  • Sass file included for easy color customization
  • Modular code structure for easy editing and updating
  • Flexible layout with customizable headers and footers.

File Included

  • HTML Files
  • PHP Files Contact Form
  • Supporting CSS, JS files
  • Documentation in HTML
  • Figma Template


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