Leo Medilazar Elementor - Pharmacy Store Prestashop Theme

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Leo Medilazar Elementor - Pharmacy Store Prestashop Theme

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If you are about to run your own business for medicine and healthcare and you don’t have many professionals doing this, grab Leo Medilazar now.

Leo Medilazar Elementor Pharmacy Prestashop provides all you need to start your online business. Leo Medilazar is designed for drugs, medical stores, healthcare stores, health clinics, fitness stores, foods, fashion, or any products and it looks good with blue colors.

This theme is so simple to use that it is beneficial for any amateur or website professional to own and run an online business with Leo Medilazar.

Being built and crafted with 12+ homepage layouts for pharmacy stores, you have multiple choices for your online store appearances.

All functional and inner pages are customizable. Leo Medilazar is so clean and looks professional.

Being built on the latest version of Prestashop 8.x and the most powerful theme customizer Leo Elementor Prestashop module, Leo Medilazar Medicine owns advanced features that every website owner wishes.

The top mega menu, responsive design, product slider with carousel, countdown timer, product search, product quick view, add to cart, product wishlist, blog module, etc.

Leo Medilazar is very easy to use, fast loading with unlimited variations. Thanks to Leo Elementor module, you can customize your website layout and content right from the front store.

Moreover, with 36+ available widgets, you are very easy to build your website look as you wish. With Leo Medilazar Elementor, you can manage your store with ease.

Leo Medilazar Elementor – Prestashop 8.x Theme For Pharmacy Online Stores

A feature-rich Prestashop template with Leo Elementor

Super Fast – Simple – No coding required

12+ Homepages for Medicine and Pharmacy store

Create a trending online store with 12+ pre-defined homepage layouts for pharmacy stores, medical stores, healthcare stores, drug stores, fitness products, thermometer stores, covid essentials product stores, etc


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