MaterialPro Free NuxtJs Admin Template NuxtJs 3 + Vue3 Template

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MaterialPro Free NuxtJs Admin Template  NuxtJs 3 + Vue3 Template

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Discover Our Vuetify 3 Powered Dashboard: Seamless Customization, Complete Responsiveness, and More

MaterialPro Free NuxtJs Admin Template offers extensive customizability and is a no-cost dashboard template built on the foundation of Vuetify.js. Drawing from the prowess of Nuxt3 and Vuetify 3, this template excels in SEO friendliness, hybrid rendering, and provides a robust admin dashboard experience. The template comes complete with a range of practical features, including tables, charts, buttons, and table examples. For a more comprehensive understanding, consider exploring the pro version of MaterialPro NuxtJs Admin Template.

Key Features:

  • A Singular Dashboard Solution
  • Template with Over 6 Pages
  • Incorporating 4+ UI Components
  • Built on Vuetify 3
  • Integration of Material Icons
  • Absence of Support Services
  • Seamless Customization
  • Utilizing SaSS-Based CSS
  • Pages Designed for Complete Responsiveness
  • Lack of Documentation
  • Compulsory Backlink Dependence


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