Qboat - Bootstrap 5 Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

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Qboat - Bootstrap 5 Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

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Explore the Ultimate Build with Bootstrap 5+ & HTML, Angular, Vue, Laravel, React Admin Template

Qboat presents a fully responsive and feature-rich Multipurpose Admin Template, powered by the SCSS framework Bootstrap. Whether you're a developer searching for a versatile admin dashboard featuring pre-built Bootstrap components or aiming for a highly customizable and developer-friendly solution, Qboat emerges as one of the premier options in the market. Even if you're not well-versed in the framework, Qboat's UI components can be effortlessly personalized without delving into HTML code.

Qboat stands as a unique, contemporary, and adaptable admin dashboard template perfect for crafting backend applications, information systems, CRMs, or even embarking on a new project to learn Bootstrap. Dive into the live preview to discover the myriad themes and features encapsulated within this exceptional template!

:: Qboat Core FEATURES ::

  1. Ready-to-Use Dashboards with 5+ Variations
  2. Authentication Pages for Secure Access
  3. Extensive Collection of Over 100 Pages
  4. Switch between Light and Dark Themes
  5. Monochrome Mode for Visual Variation
  6. Toggle Mini Sidebar for Streamlined Navigation
  7. Activate Gradient Effect for Modern Appeal
  8. Disable Border Radius for Crisp Edges
  9. Enable Dark Mode for Sidebar for Enhanced UI


  1. Comprehensive Documentation
  2. Access Changelog
  3. Guiding Video Tutorial
  4. Insights into Development Setup Points
  5. Exploring File Structure for Easy Navigation
  6. Utilizing Helper Class for Efficient Development


  1. Integrated Calendar Application
  2. Email Management Application
  3. Interactive Chat Application
  4. Contacts Management Functionality
  5. Efficient File Manager Application
  6. Invoice Generation and Management

:: Qboat HIGHLIGHTS ::

  1. Incorporation of Apex Chart for Dynamic Data Representation
  2. Integration of Sparkline for Compact Data Visualization
  3. Effective Usage of Chartjs for Interactive Charts
  4. jQuery Knob for Sleek Data Inputs
  5. Utilizing Peity Chart for Informative Visuals

:: Qboat Landing Pages ::

  1. Job Portal Landing Page Design
  2. Real Estate Landing Page Concept
  3. eCommerce Focused Landing Page
  4. Crypto Industry Oriented Landing Page
  5. Fitness and Health Center Landing Page

:: Qboat Forms ::

  1. Clipboard Functionality for Data Management
  2. Datepicker for Interactive Date Selection
  3. Range Picker for Efficient Range Selection
  4. Flatpickr for User-Friendly Date Input
  5. Inputmask for Controlled Input Format
  6. Maxlength for Limiting Input Length
  7. nouislider for Interactive Range Selection
  8. passwordmeter for Strength Assessment
  9. rangeslider for Custom Range Selection
  10. select2 for Advanced Selection Inputs
  11. Sweetalert2 for Interactive Alert Messages
  12. Tags Input for Efficient Tag Management
  13. Form Wizard for Streamlined Form Progression

:: Qboat Widgets ::

  1. Basic Widget for Simplified Display
  2. Card Background Widgets for Visual Appeal
  3. Card Images Widgets for Enhanced Illustration
  4. Card Tab Widgets for Organized Content
  5. Card Statistics Widgets for Data Representation
  6. User's Card Widgets for User-Centric Display
  7. Widget Card List for Comprehensive Display

:: Qboat Font Icons ::

  1. Integration of Bootstrap Icons
  2. Inclusion of Font Awesome Icons
  3. Flag Icon Incorporation for Flags Representation
  4. Simple Line Icons for Minimalist Styling
  5. Feather Icons for Modern and Sleek Icons
  6. Weather Icons for Weather-Related Graphics
  7. Icons 8 for Comprehensive Icon Library

:: Qboat Plugins ::

  1. Utilizing DataTables for Efficient Data Display
  2. Integration of Owl Carousel for Interactive Carousels
  3. Usage of Summernote for WYSIWYG Content Editing
  4. Fancybox for Sleek and Modern Lightboxes
  5. Inclusion of Full Calendar for Comprehensive Calendar Functionality
  6. Integration of Tui Calendar for Modern Calendar Solutions
  7. Dropify for Efficient File Upload and Management
  8. JKanban for Organized Task and Project Management
  9. Bootstrap Select for Enhanced Selection Inputs
  10. Tagify for Simplified and Interactive Tag Inputs


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