UpConstruction - Bootstrap Construction Website Template

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UpConstruction - Bootstrap Construction Website Template

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RevampConstruction - Modern Bootstrap Construction Website Template

RevampConstruction is a sleek and pristine construction website template crafted using the Bootstrap framework. This template is perfect for construction firms, architects, interior and exterior designers, builders, and other related service providers. With its captivating and distinctive design, RevampConstruction enriches your online presence effectively. Fully responsive, RevampConstruction maintains its allure across all devices - be it a laptop, iPad, iPhone, Android device, or tablet. Whether you're initiating small or large projects or giving a fresh look to an ongoing design endeavor, RevampConstruction caters to your needs. Its swiftness, simplicity, elegance, expertise, and impeccable user experience make it a compelling choice.

Here are some notable features:

  • Responsive layout for all devices
  • Built with the latest version of Bootstrap
  • Functional PHP/Ajax quote form script (available in the pro version)
  • No reliance on jQuery
  • Includes Sass/SCSS source files (exclusively for pro and membership users)
  • Modern, clean design with easily customizable clean code
  • PHP/Ajax contact form script (pro version only)
  • Scrolling animation effect
  • Off-canvas mobile menu for smooth navigation
  • User-friendly service listings
  • Designed for SEO optimization
  • Supports responsive videos, objects, and embeds
  • Compatible across various browsers

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