Himara - Hotel Theme

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Himara - Hotel Theme

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Himara – Hotel Booking WordPress Theme

Himara is an All-in-one Hotel WordPress Theme, featuring a complete custom-made Booking System named Eagle Booking. With 8 demos built using Elementor Page Builder, Himara aligns with the latest design trends for Hotel websites.

Whether you operate a 5-Star Hotel, Hostel, Apartments, Resort, or any accommodation service, Himara offers optimal solutions.

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Page Builder

Construct your website with ease using drag-and-drop content placement.

Theme Settings

Manage your website's design system, including global colors and fonts, ensuring a consistent web experience. Choose from multiple header layouts:

  • Horizontal Header
    • Sticky Header
    • Transparent Header
    • Semi Transparent Header
  • Vertical Header
    • Opened Header
    • Closed Header
Eagle Booking Features

Experience the power of Eagle Booking, a robust reservation management system.

Offer various rooms to cater to diverse budgets or preferences, all centralized for easy access. Finding suitable accommodations for your clients has never been simpler.

Accommodation with a Luxurious Touch: Himara boasts unique Luxurious Hotel and Boutique designs.

Streamlined Booking: The booking process is streamlined and user-friendly. Clients can enter dates, preferences, and confirm, or explore properties by branch and room.

Endless Options: Himara supports Hotel websites globally, adapting to different countries and currencies.

  • Booking Management

    Easily manage all bookings using the calendar grid view. View, edit, or delete bookings as needed.

  • Search Forms

    Two Search Form styles: Horizontal and Vertical. Date selection with a calendar, Guests and Branch Selectors.

  • Search Page

    Check In/Check Out date selection, customizable Additional Services, Guest selector, and Branch selector for multi-location hotels.

    • Ajax Filters for flat rate or percentage discounts through coupon codes.
    • Live Room Availability for selecting additional services.
  • Booking Page

    Checkout options for guests, customers, or new sign-ups. Coupons and Additional Services available.

    • Coupon Codes for discounts.
    • Additional Services selection.
  • Checkout Page

    Complete booking with personal details and choice of payment gateway.

    1. PayPal
    2. Stripe
    3. 2Checkout
    4. Paystack
    5. Razorpay
    6. Viva Wallet
    7. Flutterwave
    8. PayU India
    9. Payment on Arrival
    10. Bank Transfer

Flexible Booking Options

Set minimum/maximum stay days, check-in/check-out dates, and manage seasonal bookings and special occasions.

Discount Coupons

Easily set discount amounts using coupons.

Multilingual Options

Translate your hotel website with WPML, Free Polylang plugin, and Loco Translate.

GDPR Compliant

Opt-in consent checkbox for website terms, ensuring compliance.

Booking Management

Custom Eagle Booking Dashboard for comprehensive booking management.

Taxes & Fees

Create customizable Taxes & Fees using Eagle Booking Plugin.

Changelog: Visit the provided link for updates.

Please Note: Images are for preview purposes only and are not included in the theme files.


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