Petty - Pet Care & Pet Shop

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Petty - Pet Care & Pet Shop

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Discover the Best Modern Responsive Pet Care and Pet Shop WordPress Theme suitable for various pet-related businesses, including pet stores, pet salons, pet sitting services, pet grooming salons, pet hotels, and more. This versatile theme is perfect for pet supplies, online pet shops, animal shelters, veterinary clinics, and other pet care services.


The WEDESIGNTECH CORE FEATURES PLUGIN is a simple WordPress plugin that incorporates essential functionalities of WeDesignTech Themes. This plugin, version 1.0, is seamlessly integrated into WeDesignTech themes, providing a collection of shortcodes and custom post types. It works seamlessly with Elementor and third-party APIs, simplifying the design and layout creation process for your website.


To import demo content into this theme effortlessly, you can utilize the Unyson Importer. With a single click, you can import the demo content, saving time and replicating the theme demo's appearance on your site.


Integrate the Contact Form 7 plugin, a popular and free WordPress plugin, to create contact forms on your website. The Petty theme is fully compatible with Contact Form 7, allowing you to customize default form templates or create your own contact forms using the form editor panel. Additionally, the plugin facilitates easy configuration of different forms as needed for your site, making the process seamless.


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