Lilac - Beauty Cosmetics Shop Theme

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Lilac - Beauty Cosmetics Shop Theme

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Lilac is a contemporary and responsive beauty store WordPress theme tailored for beauty cosmetics shops, makeup stores, organic cosmetics stores, clothing stores, makeup portfolios, beauty salons, beauty spas, beauty centers, cosmetics shops, baby stores, beauty fashion blogs, beauty marketplaces, and ideal for eCommerce, enabling the sale of beauty products, cosmetic products, skincare items, face care essentials, body care products, fragrances, eye makeup kits, nail polishes, hair extensions, hair care products, perfumes, facial creams, neck creams, aesthetic beauty products, body soaps, body washes, and more. This theme is also well-suited for creating various appealing eCommerce stores with Arabic RTL support.


The WeDesignTech Core Features Plugin is a simple WordPress plugin integrated into WeDesignTech themes to incorporate core functionalities. With version 1.0 of this plugin, shortcodes and custom post types from WeDesignTech are made readily available. This plugin is compatible with Elementor and third-party APIs, simplifying the process of designing layouts and pages.


To import the demo content in this theme, you can utilize the Unyson Importer, a tool for one-click demo content import. This feature saves time and ensures that your site mirrors the appearance of the theme's demo page.


Contact Form 7 is a widely-used and free WordPress plugin that seamlessly integrates with this theme. It empowers you to create contact forms for your website with ease. Lilac fully supports the Contact Form 7 plugin, allowing you to edit the default form template or create customized forms using the form editor panel.

Moreover, as your site evolves, you might need to configure different forms according to your requirements. The Contact Form 7 plugin streamlines this process, making it effortless.


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