SuperKart – Supermarket BigCommerce Stencil Template

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SuperKart – Supermarket BigCommerce Stencil Template

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Our exceptional SuperKart theme for Large Catalogs and B2B businesses has been unveiled. Introducing SuperKart – the Supermarket BigCommerce Stencil Template.

SuperKart offers two captivating homepage layouts, each representing distinct styles for supermarket businesses. Choose from multiple header and footer options, and seamlessly blend elements from both homepages using the Page Builder. This theme intelligently organizes sections, allowing you to create flexible layouts effortlessly.

Explore the well-designed interface, premium features, user-friendly UI/UX, and responsive, cross-browser compatibility that make SuperKart an essential choice for your BigCommerce store.

SuperKart boasts an array of built-in features, including Advanced Mega Menu, Quick Edit Cart, Sticky Add To Cart, Ask An Expert, Recently Viewed Popup, Brand page A-Z, and more. All these enhancements are provided for free, saving you valuable resources. Elevate your online store with the power of SuperKart.


1. Download the package from (the file is in zip format)
2. Extract the downloaded file.
3. Extract the files: SuperKart and Documentation folders.
4. Upload: SuperKart

Responsive Web Design

Experience excellent display across devices, including Mac, Windows, iPad, iPhone, Tablets, Android, and Windows Phone. Our design is optimized for popular screen resolutions, smoothly adapting to different breakpoints using CSS 3, HTML 5, Bootstrap 4, and Google Web Fonts.

Supported Theme Editor

Customize your theme style with the Theme Editor.

Full Theme Features

  • Supported Theme Editor
  • Included Google’s Rich Product Snippets For Better SEO
  • Responsive Web Design (CSS3 / HTML5 + Foundation 5 & Google Web Fonts)
  • Many More…


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